Call for Contributions to Sustainable Hotels: Exploring the Opportunities for Value Creation

Namestyle_cmykSustainable Hotels: Exploring the Opportunities for Value Creation

Greenleaf Publishing

Editors: Miguel Angel Gardetti, Center for Studies on Sustainable Luxury
Ana Laura Torres, Center for Study on Sustainable Hospitality, Argentina

Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2014

There is an increasing need for hotels to demonstrate a commitment to reducing the negative environmental and social impacts of their operations. Whatever their size, location and target market, hotel services are finding themselves held to account for their sustainability practices and policies.

Yet the varying consumers of their services have diverse, and occasionally conflicting, expectations. This presents a decision-making challenge to the hotel industry: how can they successfully meet the demands of their stakeholders for comfort and efficiency while operating sustainably? What level of advantage is achieved by operating sustainably? What does a successful dialogue on sustainability issues, between hotel sector management and consumers achieve?  And how can well-developed and implemented sustainability practices further increase perceived, and actual, value for the customer?
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